1 Mitchell, Pat, The Dance Music of Willie Clancy. - Dublin [etc] ; Mercier Press,1976. - ISBN 0 85342 465 9 gives a thorough introduction to the man and an analysis of his piping.

2 In an interview with Ciaran McMathuna during the 1950s Tom Charlie Talty talked about his memories of Garret. The interview is available on tape from RTE as part of Ciaran's Job of Journeywork, a series of programmes in which he reflects upon his experiences collecting music for RTE with the station's mobile unit, touring the length and breath of Ireland during the late 1950s. A small article dealing with Tom Charlie and his memories by Ciaran appeared in the Clare anthology, ed Kieran Sheedy. - Ennis ; CLASP [Clare Local Studies Project] Press, 1999. - ISBN 1 900 545 11 x. - The Blind piper of Inagh/ Ciaran MacMathuna, pp 160-163

3 Martin Talty told this story and other during a night remembering Willie at the WCSS of 1982, during which old friend like Seamus Ennis John Kelly and others told of their memories of Willie.

4 Martin Rochford provided this information in several personal communications. A statement of similar nature can be found in an interview with him by Noel Hill for RTE radio dating from1982, I am grateful for a copy of the recording of the interview to Martin's wife, Kathleen Rochford, via Claire Keville. Some further information regarding Willie and his contacts with East Clare can be found in Talking with Martin Rochford. - Harry Hughes, Muiris O Rochain. - in Dal gCais vol 4 (1978)pp112-117

5 Interview recorded late 1972 (shortly before Willie's death) for RTE radio, recently re-broadcast by Aine Hensey in her programme and downloadable from the RTE website.

6 From a communication to the IR-Trad mailing list some time in June 2002, prompted by a question by Thomas Johnson as to whether Junior ever played with Doran.

7 In an interview taken during the WCSS 2002 and broadcast the Monday after the week ended, July 2002.

8 A tremendous example of this is a recording made by Paddy Hill (Noel's uncle) in 1958 of Willie playing Rakish Paddy on the pipes, he was in extraordinary piping form at the time, Seamus Ennis was living in Miltown at the time and I imagine they did little else than playing music. Willie played on a C set of pipes and with tremendous drive and energy shreds the tune apart and comes up with a set of variations quite different from anything heard in any of his other recordings of the same tune (most of his versions of Rakish Paddy are closely related to Johnny Doran's playing, which itself is an example of brilliant, never-ending variation). A transcription of this recording appeared in Crossbhealaigh an Cheoill : the Crossroads Conference 1996, Tradition and Change in Irish Traditional Music. - ed. Fintan Vallely [et al]. -Dublin: Whinstone Music, 1997 pp 90-91. While transcription gives a wonderful insight in the richness and depth of the variations, it is no substitute for the excitement of the listening experience.